
India is the world’s second most populated country in the world with a population of 1.21 Billion (2011), and is also of the fastest emerging economies of the world growing at 6.9 % GDP (estimated) for 2011-12. Large population base and high growth rate of the economy has created challenges and issue at the environmental front, particularly related to Air and water Pollution, deforestation and depletion of natural resources at fast pace. India has to take immediate action to slow and reverse the environment degradation. India has to work on Environmental sustainability. As per the World Commission on Environment and Development, sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Environmental Sustainability deals with maintenance or improvement to the quality of environment for long term.
Challenges like Rapid Economic development, Population growth and Poor Management have added huge pressure on the Environment Sustainability.For a brighter and sustainable future, our organisation playing a pivotal role addressing the environmental issues such as Climate Change, Energy, Waste Management, Pollution, Biodiversity and land use. The Role of Rashtriya Pradhan Mukhiya Sarpanch Sangh is Creating Awareness of the Public, Industry and Government on Environmental Issues. To safeguard the Environment, a proposed model is formulated to describe the working of our organisation.

Role of Rashtriya Pradhan Mukhiya Sarpanch Sangh in India for Development Works Relating to the Protection of the Environment:

• Our Organisation typically take up causes related to the environment such as Climate Change, Air Pollution, Deforestation, Ozone Layer Depletion, Waste Management, Biodiversity, and Environmental degradation.
• Rashtriya Pradhan Mukhiya Sarpanch Sangh have an increasing presence in making and implementing environmental policies and laws. we can and do deploy important skills and resources in the process of environmental protection.
• The Rashtriya Pradhan Mukhiya Sarpanch Sangh constitute a worldwide net-work interacting with Governments and Internal intergovernmental organization in shaping international environmental policies:
1. Creating awareness among the public on current environmental issues and solutions.
2. Facilitating the participation of various categories of stakeholders in the discussion on environmental issues.
3. Protecting the natural resources and entrusting the equitable use of resources.
4. Being involved in the protection of human rights to have a clean environment.
5. Analysis and monitory of environmental quality.
6. Organizing seminars, lectures and group discussion for promotion of environmental awareness.
7. Helping the villages administrative officials projects on environmental protection
• Rashtriya Pradhan Mukhiya Sarpanch Sangh have played a role in the negotiation, monitoring, and implementation of environmental law and policy at all levels. In their efforts to address the increasing complexity and severity of environmental problems, we have incorporated other NGOs because their participation enhances their ability to regulate.
• We are constructive participants and provide policy advice, help in monitoring commitment, minimize ratification risk and facilitate linkages between governments.